Monday, 24 November 2014

Ready for...

- the painter to start. 

My lovely hubby has been working all weekend to get ready for the painter to start his work tomorrow, and last night at 9 he was done - only to to realise that the drain for the shower was blocked. After three hours of trying to unblock it, at midnight we had to call it a day...

Oh the joys...

But back to the important bit - WE ARE READY - and here are a few pictures to prove it :-)

Living room:


Oooh - I have also been fabric shopping, but more about that later. Have a lovely day :-)

Gitte X


  1. It will be good to see the after photos too. Hope it all goes well for you x

    1. It's already much better - by next Friday the painter is (hopefully) done and we can move back in :-) I can't wait...
      x x

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