Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Happy New Year...

- I can't believe it is now 2015.

And after a lovely Christmas holiday with the girls and both mine and my husband families, I am - once again - looking back on December with the feeling that there was so much I didn't get to do. 

Like finishing our nephews stocking (he's 3 next year), make the meringue christmas tree with licorice and raspberry decorations, send out the Christmas card to actually arrive before Christmas, do my Christmas Journal (I haven't really started yet...), make my own gift wrap etc. etc...

I absolutely LOVE Christmas and there is sooooo much I would like to do, so this year I plan to have Christmas all year - not with christmas decorations and mince pies in July, but to prepare one Christmas thing each month so I can enjoy it.

This means when we once again reach 1 December I have time to do all the baking and cooking I enjoy - with my girls of course.

So here is the list:
January: Johannes' stocking
February: 2014's Christmas Journal
March: Gift wrapping
April: Gift tags
May: ???
June: Make Christmas Cards
July: ???
August: Prepare advent calendar for the girls
September: Prepare 2015's Christmas Journal
October: Buy Christmas presents
November: Christmas Candle decorations and write Christmas Cards 
December: Enjoy baking and cooking and post the Christmas cards and wrap the presents :-) 

How do you find December - do manage to do what you planned?

So with that I wish you all a Merry Christmas :-)

Gitte x

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